Thursday, May 17, 2007

Annual Meeting and Garden Project

The Friends of the Carol Stream Public Library are pleased to announce that the annual meeting and a special garden planting activity will be held on Wednesday, May 23, 2007, at 6:30 p.m. at the library. Please join us for this enriching service project. The Friends will hold a brief business meeting to review the previous year’s activities and elect new officers. We will then gather at the front of the Library to plant new flowers in the Lynn O’Dell Reading Garden! If you would like to participate, please bring your gardening tools and 2-3 annual bedding plants of any variety and color to plant in the garden. If weather threatens on Wednesday, the rain date for the gardening activity will be Thursday, May 24.

Items on the meeting agenda include a discussion of the past year’s activities, a treasurer’s report, and the election of new officers. If you would like to be a part of the Friends organization during the upcoming year or would just like to learn more about the ways that our organization provides support for the many worthwhile activities that are provided by the Carol Stream Public Library, please plan to join us on May 23.

Referendum Follow-up: The members of the Friends organization were, of course, disappointed that the recent library referendum issue did not get enough votes to pass since we know that the issues relating to overcrowded conditions and lack of adequate computer facilities will continue to limit the kinds of services that the library staff would like to provide for the public. Still, we are extremely grateful to the many people who donated both money and time in the recent campaign. These people worked tirelessly on behalf of the citizens of Carol Stream in their efforts to win approval for a new library, and we thank them for their dedicated service to the community. We will await discussions by members of the elected Library Board as we plan our future strategies to get a much-needed new facility to serve the residents of the village.