Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Many Ways to Help

The Library Referendum Committee met on Monday, January 22, and it was good to see a nice turnout of volunteers willing to devote their time and energy to help to inform the residents of Carol Stream about the need for a new library. Several topics were discussed, but one of the most important issues on the agenda was a discussion about the ways that interested residents can help the cause. Here is a list of some of the ways that you can join our effort if you would like to see the April 17 referendum passed:

Make a Contribution: The committee will need funds to print brochures and flyers, distribute lawn signs, mail letters, and possibly insert informative advertisements in local newspapers. If you would like to make a donation, be sure to make your check out to “07 Library Referendum Committee,” and contact one of the two people listed below for information as to how to deliver your contribution.

Host a Coffee Meeting: We hope to schedule a series of informational meetings in homes around the village so that residents can meet in an informal way to raise questions and share ideas about the new library. If you are willing to host such a meeting, please let us know and we will work with you to finalize the details.

Join the Neighborhood Corps: We will be needing volunteers to join us as we go door-to-door speaking with residents and distributing informational flyers. This is an important part of our effort because it provides opportunities to explain the details of the referendum issue and to get feedback from members of the community.

Pass the Word: This CSPL Friends blog was created so that we have a place on the Internet where any interested person can go to read the facts about the proposed new library, share comments, or raise issues that may be important to other readers. It will only be an effective tool, however, if we build a strong base of readers. Subscribe to the blog so that you are alerted when new messages are posted, and pass along the web address to all of your friends in Carol Stream.

Display a Yard Sign: As we get closer to election day, we hope to put out yard signs across the village to remind people to vote on this important issue. Please let us know if you are willing to have a sign in your yard and we will be sure to get one to you.

Remember that if have any questions about the referendum or would like to volunteer your services, just send a message by e-mail to the address below:

-or contact by phone:

Referendum Committee Chair:
Lynn O’Dell (665-2546)

Library Liaison:
Ann Kennedy (344-6101)

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